Scientific Background
The Little Giants curriculum is based on theories of early learning.
The research of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Erik Erikson and Howard Gardner are part of our curriculum. We also include the works of Daniel Goleman on emotional intelligence.
The key factors of the Little Giants curriculum are:
- Relationships are essential for early learning.
- Children are early learners.
- Intelligence has many forms.
- Language plays a critical role in a child's development.
- There is an optimal time for learning languages.
- Children learn primarily by discovery and by interaction with adults.
- Our caregivers create an environment that supports the children's learning processes.

Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget (* 9. August 1896 in Neuchâtel; † 16. September 1980 in Geneva) was a Swiss developmental psychologist. He was professor of psychology at the University of Geneva from 1929 til 1954.
Relevance of Piaget's research for Little Giants:
Cognitve, motory and social-emotional development are interconnected.
We want to ensure that every child receives the same attention in all developmental areas. We strongly believe that all developmental areas are equaly important.
Children are curious and intrinsically motivated
We strongly believe that each child is a little explorer and scientist and has the urge to discover its environment. ThereforeWir sind der Überzeugung, dass alle Kinder kleine Entdecker und Forscher sind und einen das unstillbare Bedürfnisse haben Ihre Umwelt zu entdecken. Deshalb gibt Little Giants Kindern die Möglichkeit bei gezielten Aktivitäten oder durch Sie sind aktive Lerner.
Children constantly need to face new challenges.
The teachers at Little Giants constantly offer new materials to the children and ask questions about the activities.

Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner (* 1943) is psychologist at Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is the author of many best-selling books.
The relevance of Gardner's research for Little Giants:
The phenomenon intelligence is highly complex and appears in many different shapes.
Therefore the holistic Little Giants curriculum aims to foster all "intelligences". We believe that every child has a right to follow its own interests, passion and talents.

Erik Erikson
Erik Homburger Erikson (June 15, 1902 – May 12, 1994) was a Jewish German developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on social development of human beings, and for coining the phrase identity crisis.
Relevance of Erikson's research for Little Giants:
Children go through stages of development:
This is why the Little Giants curriculum always offers age-appropriate activities.

Lev Vygotsky
Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (November 17, 1896 – June 11, 1934) was a Soviet developmental psychologist and the founder of cultural-historical psychology.
Relevance of Vygotsky's research for Little Giants:
Observing and documenting your child's development:
We want inform parents about their child's development. That is why we diligently document each child's development in standardized developmental profiles.
The interaction of your child's caregivers with your child is important:
Our employees are not only the primary caregivers of your child, but also they are always readily available as a mentor to your child.
Speech, reasoning and actions are linked to each other:
Speech ist the foundation of our reasoning and our actions. Therefore language promotion plays a an important role in the Little Giants curriculum. Our teachers read books, cite poems and above all explain things to your child.
Children learn through play:
Playing is an important form of learning. While playing children explore, train social behavior and develop important skills.

Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman (born March 7, 1946) is an internationally renowned author, psychologist, science journalist, and corporate consultant.
Relevance of Goleman's research for Little Giants:
Children need the opportunity to choose their activities:
Little Giants offers many learning centres and activities. Children always decide in which activities the want to participate and choose what they want to play.
Social and emotional skills are developed through interaction with other children and adults:
At Little Giants we are one big family. Children learn from both teachers and other children. Children help each other.
Emotional attachment and relationships are important for early learning:
Especially young children need the security of a person they are emotionally attached to. Therefore Little Giants uses primary caregiving. For this reason Little Giants uses primary caregiving.