Our Quality Standards
High-quality childcare must fulfil certain requirements. For more than ten years, we at Kleine Riesen, Little Giants & Petits Géants have been living up to our high pedagogical standards when it comes to looking after the children entrusted to us. As part of the Babilou Family Germany, we can rely on our own specialised advisory and quality team. Further information on how we implement our high quality and ensure it in the individual daycare centres can be found on the Babilou Family website.
Daycare at Kleine Riesen, Little Giants & Petits Géants is based on four principles::

Continuity supports the need of small children for intimate relationships. At Little Giants, we carefully introduce children to daycare as well as make transitions to new groups very slowly and carefully.

Individualized Care
Small Groups

Primary Care
Little Giants uses primary caregiving. This means that each child is assigned to one primary caregiver, who is the responsible for its care. If the daily attendance of a child exceeds the working hours of the primary caregiver, a second caregiver takes over the care. Our staff works closely together, to ensure smooth teamwork among primary caregivers. Primary caregiving does not mean, that a child has only contact to one person. However, the main responsibility for a child is clearly assigned at all times.