Munich Ramersdorf Neuperlach

Our day care centre is located near Munich's Ostpark and has excellent public transport connections. The underground and buses are only a few minutes' walk away. The facility is located on the first floor of a multistorey building, with barrier-free access by elevator. Our large, bright group rooms are equipped to a high standard, offering plenty of space for the children to romp about, play and engage in various educational activities. Each group room has its own separate sleeping area. For outdoor activities, we use our spacious garden immediately behind the building, which includes a large sandpit. We also go on frequent trips to the nearby Ostpark to explore nature together, have picnics or play games that get the children physically active.

Pre-register at the Munich Ramersdorf Neuperlach day care centre

Siegel für zweisprachige Kita deutsch und englisch
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Bewegung
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Bilder
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Gruppenraum
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Kuscheltiere
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Spielplatz
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach -  Nestschaukel
München Ramersdorf Neuperlach - Spielzeug

Educational concept

“Tell me and I forget,

teach me and I may remember,

involve me and I learn.”  

In keeping with this motto, we provide children with a safe learning environment where we encourage their creativity and cognition and satisfy their need for physical activity. We also see our daycare centre as a social space for the children, where they can consciously experience and learn about social behaviour, interpersonal situations and problems. We care deeply about looking after the children well and accommodating their different biorhythms, which is why they can sleep and access drinks whenever they want.

General Information

Childcare age:
from age 1 to school entry

Number of groups:
4 nursery groups

Trilingual German, English & Spanish

Opening & Closing Hours

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
08.00am - 6.00pm

Closure periods:
• 2 weeks in summer 
• 2 weeks over Christmas 
• 5 pedagogical days 
• 2 educational training days (after Christi Himmelfahrt and Fronleichnam)

Address and Contact
Little Giants
Munich Ramersdorf Neuperlach


Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 66
81735 München

Google Maps

We integrate map material from Google Maps on our website. By clicking on "Activate", you consent to cookies being set and your data being processed by Google, possibly in the USA, with the risk of access by US authorities. You can revoke your consent at any time. You can find more details here: Data protection.


Registration is via the Kita Finder online system for the city of Munich.


Daycare contact

Anna Katharina Geweth, daycare management
Questions about settling in and allocation of places — pre-registration is only possible online

089 31 901 880

Management contact

Advice for parents and sales
Questions about applications and options for covering costs

0711 35 116 40

Office hours:
Monday, 9 to 11am
Tuesday, 2 to 4pm